Preparing for pregnancy is taking care of your health

20 September, 2021

A 12-month pregnancy and the first four letters of the alphabet can guide you through this stage.

Just as a farmer prepares the land before sowing the seeds and in this way takes firm steps to achieve a good harvest, couples can prepare to have a healthy baby. At Fundación de Waal and the PreNatal program, we recommend a 12-month pregnancy, so that the baby is born with the best health conditions, thus preventing possible deficiencies and diseases that may subsequently lead to disability.

What do we mean by a 12 month pregnancy?

It consists of a minimum of 3 months of preparation before pregnancy and then we add the 9 months of gestation. This simple formula will guide us to a very important goal: to have healthy and happy babies. And so too, that the couple maintain an optimal state of health before, during and after the pregnancy.

Many times mom and dad find out that they are expecting a baby for several weeks and until months after the organ formation process began and limbs of the child. For example, during the first month of life within the uterus produces the formation of the heart, hands, eyes, legs and the formation of the spine, the nervous system and the brain begins.

More than half of pregnancies are unplanned and on several occasions not desired. This situation generates stress in the couple and in the unborn baby that he perceives from the first weeks that he is not well received.

Many women, unaware that they are pregnant, could be consuming alcoholic beverages, medications, cigarettes, little food nutritious. It is important to understand that everything a woman ingests or inhales can be passed to the baby, inside the womb, from the first weeks and could seriously affect your health.

When we internalize about the importance of planning the pregnancy and adequately prepare ourselves to take care of the baby’s well-being, we are taking care of its future. The first four  letters of the alphabet te  They allow to deepen on what measures to take to protect the health of the mother and the unborn baby. We present you our PreNatal ABCD and some tips that we can follow in this fundamental stage of preparing for pregnancy.

A: Eat well.

Folic acid is an essential vitamin to prevent birth defects in the baby. Include in your daily meals some foods rich in this vitamin such as tomatoes, strawberries, bananas, legumes, green leafy vegetables and whole grains, among others. I know recommends that the couple planning the pregnancy take, in addition to your diet, a tablet of 400 mg of folic acid every day.

B: Seek medical attention.

At least 3 months before pregnancy, the couple should visit a health professional to know if both are in a position to have a healthy baby, as well as his blood type, analyze his lifestyle habits, check that they do not have any sexual infection or any other condition that may affect the baby and establish that their immunizations are up-to-date. In our next deliveries we will tell you in more detail what the consultation consists of preconception.

C: Take care of attacks on the unborn baby.

Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, certain medicines, contact with Chemicals and pollutants are some substances and elements that should be avoided. This also avoids self-medicating and prevents insect bites that could cause diseases that cause malformations in the baby.

Similarly, stress and emotional conditions that may affect the mother and therefore the baby are various sources of possible aggressions against their well-being, which must be avoided. Therefore it is important that the couple maintain and take care of their bond, as well as the family and social environment, moving away from situations of violence and insecurity.

D: Give Love

Stay calm during the pregnancy planning months, in this way  you will be calm during pregnancy and that state will be transmitted to your baby. Do not forget that Babies born with love and tranquility achieve better emotional development and of their capabilities. Control anxiety, depression, nerves and fear, therefore exercising or practicing meditation techniques can help you at this stage.

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