We complete 35 years of work in prevention

We complete 35 years of work in prevention

More than 600 thousand adolescents, 200 thousand families and 60 thousand mediators and promoters have been trained and sensitized to generate responsible and healthy changes. These people have been benefited through the training process and various actions in service...
Overview of disability in Latin America

Overview of disability in Latin America

A topic of great relevance for the Waal Foundation (FDW) is the situation of disabilities that are generated by deficiencies acquired during pregnancy, childbirth or early childhood. The GBD (Global Burden Disease [1] ) database allows the number of...
Effects and projections of the health crisis

Effects and projections of the health crisis

More than a year has passed since the declaration of emergency health by Covid-19 and the effects are evidenced at various levels. Latin America is the most affected region in the world and in this article we explore its current situation and the challenges to face....
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